Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dave Lindsey shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"Raise The Roof (more progress on YWAM Prayer House!)"

The Instagram Team

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dave Lindsey shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"Love Surrounds (the walls are up on the NEW Prayer House being built in YWAM San Diego/Baja)"

The Instagram Team

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dave Lindsey shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"Freedom Rising"

The Instagram Team

Last stop, KC

The family arrived home this week. I'm wrapping up with trips to San Diego and KC. Tomorrow I'll return from an amazing 7 weeks around the globe.

What a better way to wrap up than to visit IHOP, the International House of Prayer and attend the Call2All Congress here.

Call2All is a movement of ALL the top mission leaders in the world to FINISH THE GREAT COMMISSION. Jesus commanded us to go to ALL NATIONS on the earth and to share the good news.

We expect this call will be fulfilled by 2025! Every nation will have a bible in their own language and an opportunity to not only to hear about Jesus but to experience Him in their society.

Amazing stuff. Specifically I am learning about the role that business can play in this fulfillment. More and more I am learning that good, honest business is a HOLY THING. God needs not only religious missionaries to proclaim Jesus to the remaining unreached people groups of the earth. He needs people in government, business, education, media, etc. to provide experiences that treat people with the dignity taught to us by Jesus.

Often we take this blessing for granted in Western countries. This blessing is deserved by all people in all nations!

I am not talking about exporting our western culture or imposing it on people. I am talking about SHARING LOVE, ETHICS, RESPECT, etc.

Glory! It is happening!

Interesting fact:

Can u believe the bible was not available in English until the late 1300s!?!?

The bible was only translated in about 100 languages until 50 years ago. It has been translated into 2,000 more languages in just the last 30 years!!! Wow! God is moving!!!

- Our friends John & Sabrina Willis joined me here. Great friends and we enjoy sharing our walk together.
- pictures in the prayer room. Honored to hear Mike Bickell, founder of IHOP & Loren Cumningham, founder YWAM pray for China from the pulpit of the prayer room!
- My good buddy Erik Fish that taught Jess and I to do simple church (like we do in our home on Sunday) during our DTS. He and I enjoyed the week traveling together and sharing. He continues to teach me sooo much. Plus we had the good fortune of our plane needing to spend an unplanned night in Vegas :-) good times even though the luck didn't stay with us at the BlackJack tables.

Monday, September 17, 2012

David Jr's Blog. With words this time!

We had a wonderful time seeing all the kids at the orphanage today. The kids are incredibly nice and interested in Americans. The water tank in the photo is where they Store drinking water whenever it rains. The kids even though they have so little they r so happy. Today we had brought 8 soccer balls and gave them to the kids and played soccer. They had the greatest joy just from a simple soccer ball that in America will probably sit our garage not being used. They had learned English in school because all the school is taught in English there. That helped a lot that we could communicate easily. Then probably my favorite part of the day was at night I would swing the little kids around and their faces and the joy they had made me so happy. When I was done they would run around with their hands up screaming of joy and then others would run up and say my turn my turn. I loved the kids and can't wait to go back.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, September 16, 2012



Foundation of the new Prayer Room to be built in YWAM Tijuana Base this coming week.

Please pray for a safe build and a glorifying build. God has told us this will be a game changer for TJ & the Homes of Hope ministry.

God loves it when we make room for Him :-)

Best Sports Bar in London at Marylebone Station!

Ahhhhh NFL Football!!!!!

Finally, like a glass I water in the desert we arrive at an American sports bar in London. Been a long & windy road,but we return to our home... Football :-)

Wings! Hot & BBQ
Chix nachos!

Mmm mmmm mmmm


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Clean Water! By Jackie Ray & Daddy

The water well helps all the kids. The well is 82 m. deep. It was built in 2008. Before the well they had to walk a long way to get water and it was dirty. The kids now get time to play and have recess in between classes.

Before the well they had to carry water all day when they were not in class. Now they get clean water and don't have to walk a long way. Before they got sick from the dirty water because people pee and poop on the land and it ran into the stream where they got water.

Plus during droughts the stream dried up and they could die of thirst. The new well is so,deep,below,the ground that it never dries up and is always clean.

When they built a new guest house on the property the plumber put in pipes for showers & drains. The orphanage founder, Fred, questioned him and said that there will never be water in the pipes. but he was wrong! Some ywamers came and dug a well for them to get fresh water!

We were the first people to be able to flush the toilet and wash our hands in the guest house!

Here is the,orphanage & schools website if you want to learn more.


Landing next to the Nile!

Literally giraffes on runway and gazelles chasing the plane!!

More carbs

Dinner same as lunch. Just cook the porridge until it becomes a bread like.

Maggie and Lindsay teach the Macarena!

Nothing's says Fathers Love like a piggy back ride

Uncle Ben taught us that

Praying around new HOH we children.

Prayers for multiplication! More houses!

Faith at front door of her new home

Jess we Faith

Faith has 12 children and received the first HOH in Africa. Her husband suddenly died and she was left we all her kids in a mud hut.

They love Phillip Stein watch!

Two clock faces. One set to Ugandan time, second to American time.

Sharing a Fathers love

These children either never knew their Father or had him die of AIDS while they were young.

On the mission field we find that the LARGEST BARRIER TO SOMEONE UNDERSTANDING THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF GOD IS IF THEY HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED IT FROM BOTH PARENTS. the childs most important relation being his/her relationship we their parent of the OPPOSITE SEX.

Very hard (BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE!) for someone to understand Jesus love if they have not received it from the opposite sex parent. It requires a surrogate parent (coach, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc) and a whole lot of HS (Holy Spirit).


Food line. Everyone gets a cup o porridge for lunch

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Subject: Fun Day With Kids!!! By: Maggie

When we got off the bus at the orphanage, they did a dance and walked us to the guest house where we are staying.  It was like we were famous or royal!!!

 After we put our stuff in our room we had dinner. It was rice and beans. They have the best pineapple in Africa so we also got to try some at dinner. It was very tasty. 

After we ate we went back out to play with the kids. The little kids are all so cute!!!  We played on their playground and around the area. Then it got dark and we went back to the guest house to sleep!!!  They do not have electricity or running water. But they turned on a generator for us for a couple hours at night, so we could read and get ready for bed. 

I had a really fun time and realized how blessed I am to have been born in America and have what I have!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My favorite memory of Uganda

My wife Jessica running around playing tag with over 100 orphan children.

Watching her try to explain that if she is it, they want to run AWAY from her... When all these lovely children want to do is to run TOWARD her. They can't get enough of this beautiful woman overflowing with love for each of them.

Later I see them huddled around Jessica like a mob of young girls after a pop star. She is playing music videos for them as they dance & smile. The children's smiling eyes focus on the screen, then on each other in amazement, then on Jessica's face as she returns their sincere smiles!

Jessica with Kay Charlotte, the YWAM leader that she partnered with to bring us all here.

Jess rockin the iPod with her posse :-)

Dave Lindsey shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"HOPE of a Child (poster in Ugandan orphanage classroom) "

The Instagram Team

Flat tire by Jackie ray lindsey

We where driving for 4 hours and our tire blew. I thought someone was shooting our car it was soooo loud. We pulled over and the tire was popped from the inside. It took about a hour to fix it, they used rocks to prop the bus up, it was so hot. So many cars passed by and no one stopped. They worked really hard to get new tire on.

Monday, September 10, 2012

This is where we r tonight. Most remote we have ever been. Deep Africa !

Jessica Lindsey
"You can't change the whole world but you can change one person's whole world"

Last leg of our 6 week journey

We are driving to the village of Bulanga(about a 5hr drive from airport in Entebbe) and drove right across the Equator(picture below). We have been truly blessed on this journey with great weather and even better friendships! Even though it is hard to be away so long from friends and family back home, we have been able to see lots of friends along the way - Powers, Gibsons, Kellers, Lamberts, Ashes, Stieners, Cunninghams and McClurgs. As well as making lots of new friends. I am happy to report YWAM bases all over are growing and doing amazing things in all parts of the world!!!

Landed in Africa!

Plane just landed in Entebbe,Uganda. Driving to the capital city Kampala, then 4 hours to an orphanage in the countryside. The orphanage is located at ground zero of where the AIDS epidemic.

First impressions.
1. Very plush & green. More orderly & organized here in the city than I imagined. Reminds me of rural Mexico.

2. Every third building is a cell phone store!!! They are prepaid so the stores are like cell phone gas stations. This is actually encouraging.
A. The vision of every human in the world having a computer is within reach. IT WILL BE AN IPHONE! The iPhone just came here. Imagine after 50 years how this could unify the planet. It doesn't matter if you are in Indianapolis, NYC, Aarhus Denmark, Ensenada Mexico or Entebbe Uganda...everyone has same phones!

B. Mobile Money is a new way for Africans to store money! Like a banking system. It has really caught on and offers security in this region. I guess Bill Gates Foundation helped develop this to grow the society. Why can't we pay by phone in USA?

Other sightings.
1. A motorcycle carrying another motorcycle. Wish I had a pic :(
2. Guy with his cellphone tied to his moped. A mobile phone booth. He drives around and charges a small fee per call to folks without phones!

Saturday, September 8, 2012