Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,The Instagram Team
The Lindsey's (Dave Sr, Jessica, David Jr, Maggie, & Jackie Ray) have completed missions training with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). 3 mos lecture in Kona, Hawaii and 3 mos outreach in Takamatsu, Japan. Now we are back home in Indianapolis, IN USA. However, our mission continues as we follow the Lord to whatever people, places and relationships He calls us. You can follow us by email by entering your email address in the box on the below, right margin.
Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"Congrats President O. We support you and hope for real comprise from Republicans in Washington. God bless you, your family and America. "
Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"Believe & Vote! Whatever your politics lets vote for the best option for our GrandBabies! Let's lay down our personal interest for their long-term success. "
Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Dave Lindsey just shared an Instagram photo with you:
"Winner! (DEFENDER CEO Marcia Raab recognized as a Woman of Influence this morning in downtown Indianapolis)"