Jess & I with Founders of YWAM, Loren & Darlene Cumningham
Our friend Jim Lemeiux is here doing his DTS right now. We mistook him for Tom Hanks of Castaway but quickly shamed him into some beard grooming.
Thursday night I always full of theater & worship here.
Jessica in her hard hat :-)
A picture with the advisory board as we had lunch under the steal frame of the soon to be Cafeteria & Transmedia Building.
Praying over pastor Shuh of China.
A picture with our friends & mentors Dave and Lise Ash who planted the first seed for us to attend the DTS course. Hopefully the Ash's will be neighbors in our new condo on the base.
More theater.
Loren teaching at lunch.
Hawaii is still Hawaii !
Good stuff.....Praise the lord for your servant hearts.