Well this week our journey takes us to a place of SPIRITUAL CLARITY! What a joy!!!!
Our new friends Mark & Karen Anderson invited us to Kansas City to visit the largest prayer room on the world! The International House of Prayer, or IHOP as it is called.
They don't have pancakes but soooo much more. For the past 13 years there has been NON-STOP, LIVE worship taking place at this amazing prayer room.
It is so cool to watch how one band ends its set and another one takes the set, never stopping. Usually the lead singer steps off as his or her band continues to jam. Then the new singer sets up and works into a solo as the old band and new band change places one by one. Then the new singers solo explodes into a new orchestra as the new band kicks it in. THE MUSIC NEVER STOPS!!!! sweet as!!!
Yesterday we learned that we are called to be CONTINUALLY IN God's PRESENCE. not just on Sunday. And not just for one hour each morning. Continually!! To do this we must be grounded in worship though out our day.
We know when we r in sync and when we r not. We r called to do this as individuals and as groups! Family, business, school, etc. The closer we get to this ideal the more we see God working in our lives. The further the more frustrated!
I highly suggest coming to IHOP in KC sometime. It's like a slice of heaven. The also have IHOPU which is a university in prayer and intercession. Really cool. Much like the University of the Nations we attended in Kona.
Ywam and IHOP r close friends as u can imagine!!
I've heard it described that heaven will be a place of constant worship. Didn't make much sense until last night when I was rocking in the prayer room just like I was at my favorite concert! But this concert never ends!!!
Imagine just jamming away to your favorite band, never getting tired or hungry, with God & all your family & friends! Now that's a party I want to be invited to!!!
What a cool idea! Great perspective on prayer too. While it is not always easy, the reward of being at the Throne of Grace outweighs the spiritual warfare. Seeing prayer answered is the single greatest faith builder in my life.