Monday, August 27, 2012

Christ Has Risen in China!!!!

Below is the cover of a magazine inserted into the Sunday Morning Post, the only English language Sunday newspaper published in Hong Kong. It stood out like it has never done before and for anyone remotely interested in the spread of the Christianity, was clearly one not to be missed.

Look closely at the cover. This is the famous Tianenmen Square, but they have replaced Mao's face with Jesus!

Here is a bloggers summary of the main points:

- Jesus of Nazareth now has more followers on the mainland [China] than the Communist Party!

- Recent surveys estimate the number of mainland Christians worshipping independently of the authorised state churches to be over 100 million. That comes to about 1 in 10 of the total population of China.

- Those who participate in non-sanctioned churches run the risk of police raids, a beating and even jail. But that doesn’t seem to be putting off the growing congregations.

- The Communist Party is still officially an atheistic society, but at the lower levels, tolerance of Christianity is growing.

- President Hu Jintao has even recognised the role that Christianity can play in maintaining harmony, stating in 2007 that “the knowledge of religious people must be harnessed to build a prosperous society”.

Isnt it amazing how Jesus, real power and prosperity continue to be linked?

Linked in humility! These Chinese Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus!

* Below Magazine cover and actual photo of Tianenmen Square.

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