Monday, October 8, 2012

Fwd: Greetings!

Below is an email update from a friend, Shelby Sweet, that is a young lady taking a DTS course.  She is on outreach in Cambodia, China and India.  I have been so inspired by her regular updates.  Below is a favorite excerpt.

...The biggest point I got this week from lecture was when Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemone. he was abandoned, betrayed, lonely, and rejected, yet, at the end of the three times, He prays "Father, your will be done."

When I reflect on my life I have to ask myself, do I really want His will to be done? Life isn't always easy and nice. Jesus said we will be persecuted.  But, the thing is that with Jesus, He gets us through those hard times. Instead of asking for Him to take away problems, we can say, "Father your will be done."

 Three questions I was challenged with was 
1) Do you pray to get from God or to get God? 
2) Do you pray to get out of pain or to get through the pain? 
3) Do you pray to change things or for you to be changed? 

Prayer is not about making God do something, but about changing our hearts. Prayer is about aligning our will and lives with God and trusting that His will be done. So, needless to say, the first week was challenging and inspiring for me... 

I love and miss you all very much! Praying for you all!

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration for me to realize this in my life...thanks for sharing! Bigtha Rubi.
