Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are FREE!!! Happy Easter

"Freedom to me is NOT going out and doing what you WANT to do. Anyone can do that, and lots of people are doing it. Freedom IS 'to have the power to do what you know you OUGHT to do.' Most people know what they ought to do but they don't have the power to do it. They're in bondage.". - Josh McDowell

Its crazy but the more I follow Jesus' example & do what he said, the more powerful I feel to do what I ought to do. The more I read the Bible, stay sober, treat my body as a temple, ask others how I can pray for them, die to my own wants, put others before me... The more powerful I am feeling to do what "I know I ought to do" with the blessings he has given me. I struggle sometimes with BELIEF, but Jesus asked us to FOLLOW. He is the perfect example. As I follow Him, my belief & power simultaneously increase.

Let's not fool ourselves. If we are not following his example, Jesus is not the leader of our life.

Let's be free this Easter. Break the chains. We are powerful with Christ.
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  1. Well said my friend! It is in giving our lives totally to Christ that we receive all that really matters in life.

  2. So easy to claim Jesus as saviour, but when we confess he is our Lord, we need to have some fruit to back that confession up. Father give us grace to follow in your Son's footsteps!
