Monday, May 2, 2011

Cleaning Jesus' Trash Cans

My buddy Josh & I just cleaned some nasty trash cans that have been bothering us all week.

He thought we were just squirting them out when I came out of the garage with scrub pads & gloves. He said, "Oh, you wanna clean inside too?".

To which I replied, "My Big Daddy told me, 'If your gonna do a job, as may as well do it right!'"

Jesus thanks you Big D & Big M for the cleaning skills :)
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1 comment:

  1. Dave,

    I just sat down and read all of the posts since the first one. God is really working in your family! That is so exciting! I confessed to my bible study group this week that I feel for once in my life that I am exactly where God wants me (at least for a few days). It feels good. All it takes is waiting on the Lord. He has shown me who to spend time with, who to share His Word with, how to better serve my husband, and how to grow in relationship with Him. All is good here. Thank you for sending Tom the book. I own the first edition of it. I never read the whole thing because I just don't think like Josh McDowell, but maybe Tom does. Love you all and can't wait to see you at the wedding.
