Friday, August 12, 2011

David & Chris mapping out "counties" in Japan's states for a rural church mapping/data program

Tonight we visited a woman that is championing a rural church planting network here. She made us a nice dinner of Udon noodles & Curry soup! Yummy. Japanese curry is not as overwhelming as Indian.

She shared (as we've witnessed) how conservative & controlled the Japanese are outside of Tokyo & Osaka. The saying here is "The nail that stands up will be hammered down". We see this in action everyday... A combination of paranoia & assumption that can be paralyzing.

Before WW2, the Japanese set up a system of every 5 to 10 houses having a "block captain". It was supposed to be these captains are there to help in emergencies & to aid communication. However the lasting result has been control & lack of creative expression. It is an oppressive system that assures your family complies. Shame is used to assure you obey everything from traffic signals to clothing styles to not having ears pierced, etc.

Its amazing how impressive it is. Chinese that come here complain about how compliant & boring the Japanese are!!! Though China is communist, effectively Japan is far less free. People often refer to it as the "least free" free country.

This has worked to keep Christianity out as well. Here I see how important freedom is to Christ! We are so lucky.

In China Christ is booming! Some say 100 million + Christians!!! May be the largest Christian country on the globe during my lifetime!!! Another example of how it is out pacing Japan.


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