Thursday, July 14, 2011

Answers to your questions. Part 1

1. Grandma Maggie asked what time it is here when she lays down each night at 9pm CST to pray & sleep.

Answer: It is 11am THE NEXT DAY here. We are 14 hours ahead of you. We start preparing our lunch meal as a team each day at 11am!!!

2. Kelli Kitson asked:

To the whole family: If you had only one learning to bring home and share with everyone, what would it be?


+Maggie: Not all about having best things, biggest house, etc. Its about being strong in God. The Holy Spirit is always there, holding out his hands to you. He wants you to talk to him.

+David: praying & hearing God's voice is soooo real & so doable. Just try it.

Anyone can hear God's voice just as easily as another. No one is "closer to God", its just a matter of if you try :)

+Dave: there is a special cirlce of protection around a family that blesses each member of the family that honors it. God specifically designed us to be in a family AT ALL TImES & not to seek independence. When we need to "discover ourself & be independent" we open ourselves to the enemy.

Planning our day based on HELPING OTHERS instead of our own LUST. This is OUTREACH & can be done anywhere. For example on a Friday night I can...
A. Figure out what I AM going to do, think about what I want to eat, think about what will make ME happy (lots of I's & Me's)

B. Pray & ask God who He wants me to speak to, ask him for a vision of how he wants the night to go. Ask him for a word or verse to guide the evening (letting God direct vs. Self)

+ Jackie Ray: God is your Poppa. Especially people that don't have Dad's should know this. I can leave a piece of my soul with all the people you meet.

+ Jessica: Phillipians 4:11-13. I am thankful & happy no matter what my circumstance bc God gives me strength. Maybe its easier for the poor & needy to know God bc they are "hungry" for something. When I am "hungry" I know its an opportunity for me to grow closer to God.

3. Grandma Ann asked:

How did we get the signature stamp described in the blog.

Answer: there are special shops here that make these. Like an engraver. Our team member YUka is Japanese so we used hers. It is a prestigious gift to give a foreigner a stamp made for him/her.

Keep them coming!!!


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  1. Great Questions and answers: I have a few more. Great picture of Jeff by the Beer vending machine. Is there a drinking age in Japan? If so, how do they control who is buying the alcoholic beverages from the machines?
    For "religion", of the Japanese people you have met so far, are they Buddhist, Shinto, Christian? I know you mentioned before that Keiko prays to God, but doesn't know him. Is that common?

    My last question: USA vs. Japan on Sunday in the FIFA World Cup. Since you are a day ahead of us, could you let us know who wins Sunday's match on Saturday? (o:
    Love you,


  2. Are your activities different on the weekdays compared to your weekends? Where has God led you this past week?
